Buckman School

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Field Trip

Today our class had the opportunity to take a trip to the Cooley Art Galler at Reed College.  

At the gallery we were able to see an exhibit of Civil War Era sketches on loan from Boston College.

We were lucky enough to have the curator Gregory MacNaughton guide our class through the gallery, providing historical context as well as draw our attention to the artistic qualities of the sketches.

Toward the end of the time Mr. MacNaughton led the students through an exercise on sketching from sight (as opposed to memory).  He told the students that back in that era a large emphasis was placed in school on learning to draw. 

In the end all the students got to practice drawing and see pieces of art that have lasted over a century (made by people who were students just like them at one time, and who used only paper and pencil).  
I would also like to thank the parents who were able to drive us there and share the experience with the students.  It would not have happened without you.

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