Buckman School

Friday, March 22, 2013

Homework for Spring Break

Dear Families,
         It is surprising how quickly spring has crept up on us.  With Spring Break comes a much-needed sabbatical for our students, and allows for me to make the final preparations for my solo teaching. 
         While Spring Break is a time for rest and enjoying the sun (hopefully), we do have a few assignments for our students over this next week.
1.   We will be sending home a reading log.  Students need to find time every day to read (either on their own, with a sibling, or being read to by an adult).
2.   Students also need to write in their journals every day.  They can either write about their day, or can creatively write.  What matters is that they engage with the written words.
I will see you all in April.


Nicholas Erickson

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