Buckman School

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Up and running.

to the first post!
Hello y'all,
       It took six months (and a few iterations) but the website is finally up and running.  My goal for this blog is to both chronicle the day to day activities in my 2nd Grade classroom, but also to provide useful resources in one easy to find place.  For many parents, digital updates (through email, RSS feeds, or just online) is a much more convenient way to stay connected, and the classroom should be no different.
       With my solo teaching coming up (April 1st), it is important to me to establish and maintain a strong connection with families.  It is my hope, and belief, that establishing and maintaining a clear line of communication with families is key to best supporting my students.
       With that said, I am excited to use this place as a resource in opening up the classroom and strengthening our community of learners and makers.

-Nicholas Erickson

Academic articles that contributed to the formation of this exciting technological experiment in connecting with families:

     "Working With Parents: Advice from Teachers." Education Oasis. (2005): 1-3. <www.educationoasis.com/resources/Articles/working_with_parents.htm>.

     American Federation of Teachers. “Building Parent-Teacher Relationships.” (2008): 1-3.

     Danielson, C. Enhancing professional practice. 2nd. Alexandria, Virginia USA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Develop, 2007. Print.

     Berk, L. E. Infants, Children, and Adolescents. 7th. Boston, MA: Prentice Hall, 2011. Print.

     Shockley, B., B. Michalove, and J. Allen. Engaging families: Connecting home and school literacy communities. Heinemann, 1995. Print.

     Rothstein-Fisch, C., and E. Trumbull. "Managing diverse classrooms, how to build on students' cultural strengths". ASCD, 2008. Print.