Buckman School

Friday, May 17, 2013

Bird Report (Publishing)

Dear Families,
            We are happy to say that the writing of our bird projects is finally coming to a close.  Students have completed their rough drafts (and edited) and it is now time for the final step, publishing.  It is our hope that students will have their final drafts typed.  To make this possible, Ms. Pepitone and I would like to ask families to type up their child’s report.  I will take the time to format the reports, so all that is needed is a typed word document copy of the bird rough draft.
The end of the year bird report timeline:
·      Students/Parents type the rough draft of the bird report[1].
·      Parents email typed drafts to Mr. Erickson (nle@lclark.edu).
·      Bird Reports need to be typed and emailed to Mr. Erickson by the morning of Tuesday, May 21st.

Note: Please contact me with any questions or concerns regarding the ability to type student work.  Any student who does not have a typed report will hand write their final draft.  This is so each student will have a completed report for our upcoming publishing party.
Thank you for your ongoing support.

Nicholas Erickson

[1]Common Core State Standard: W.2.6 With guidance and support from adults, students use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.

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