Buckman School

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Book Report

In addition to our bird report, our class is also starting book reports.  This additional project allows for choice during work time and multiple means of showcasing reading comprehension.

Book Report

Be sure to include:
[  ] Name: 
[  ] Book Title:
[  ] Author:
[  ] Setting:  The story’s time and place (provide examples).
[  ] Story Summary:  Write about the main events/parts of a story, giving an outline and description of what happened. Be sure to include Beginning, Middle, and End.
[  ] Main Characters:  List the main characters in the story.  Write their names and a short description about each.
[  ] Book Recommendation:  Would you recommend it to your friends?  Why?

In addition, choose 3 options from the menu to include in your report.  Each answer must be written in complete sentences (at least 4 sentences):
o Favorite Part
o Least Favorite Part
o Fancy Words to Remember and/or to Use Later (write at least 3 words, with definitions)
o Illustrate a scene from the book.
o Draw the main character (What do they look like?).  Be sure to include their age and personality (use quotes from the book).

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