Buckman School

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

May Bulletin Board (Bird Haikus)

May is our classroom's month to adorn the bulletin board to the left of the office.  We decided to create  haikus about each students' bird with an accompanying watercolor.  These are just 10 of the 28 pieces (there are still a good number of students needing to finish), and the rest will be hung outside of our classroom.  The quality of each piece (both the poem and the painting) is astounding.  I am always thoroughly impressed the the artistic qualities of each student in my class.

Our Bulletin Board

California Quail
California quail
scratching at the ground for bugs
looking for worms


Cedar Waxwing
red spot on the wing
black mask stands out I love you
pretty in my eye


Golden Eagle
endangered species
eat large number of rabbits
king of mountain top


Pileated Woodpecker
woodpecker Peck Peck
are any insects home yet?
feasting on grubs bugs 


Red-Tailed Hawk
red tailed hawk up high
almost touching the sky then...
he dive he dives down 


Western Meadowlark
western meadowlark
flies through the smooth air
songs like the wind 


Peregrine Falcon
peregrine falcon
swiftly diving through the air
and punching its prey


Sandhill Cranes
Sandhill cranes so tall
reaching for the sky
spread out dancing wings


Stellar's Jay
black crow king of birds
blue beak brave warrior bird
eats acorns and grains


Ruby Throated Hummingbird

Lost music spinning
Ruby throated hummingbird
flies past with a whoosh!


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