Buckman School

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Classroom Update 5.7.13

Dear Families,

          We hope you have been enjoying the wonderful weather.  Here is our classroom update for the week of May 5th.

·We have swimming this Thursday (5/9).  We only have two more swimming times after this one!

·Friday (5/10) is our Franz Bakery field trip and there are two more spots for parent volunteers.  We will be eating lunch at Buckman, and will leave at 12:30 pm.

·This is a heads up that next week we will be sending home the bird reports.  It is our hope that you can help your student type up the report and email the document file (we will format and print them here).

·Next Wednesday (5/15) is a Late Opening.

Homework (due: 5/14):

·A math worksheet (on graphs)

·Reading log (20 minutes a night of reading)

·Daily writing journal (it is our goal to get 100% of the journals back!)


Mr. Erickson and Ms. Pepitone

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